Kids Summer Offerings

Summer Programming Rooted in Nature-Based, Compassionate Play

Kids Nature Summer Camp in Madison CT

In this age of rapidly-changing technology, our kids are spending less and less time outside, and research is now showing that this lack of nature-based, child-led play is having an adverse effect on both physical and emotional child development.

We are exited to share that this summer, we are offering new kids programming focusing on the inherent childhood values of curiosity, compassion, and mindfulness. Each day will include yoga and mindfulness classes and nature-based outdoor play.

We are excited to announce our initial offerings for our first summer!

Since it is our first year, we are limiting enrollment, BUT we are offering discounted rates to those families that register by July 1.

Kids 4-10: Mindful Mornings at the March

Girls 11+: Yoga, Creativity, and Compassion (description coming soon)

We are located in Madison, CT, south of Boston Post Road, about a mile from the Guilford border. Find out more about our location.