Glow-in-the-Dark PJ Kids Yoga

Yoga, Games, Music, Glowing!!!

Weekend Yoga for Kids on the CT Shoreline

PJ Glow-in-the-Dark Yoga for Kids 4-11
Kids can wear their PJs to this special glow-in-the-dark class to start the weekend! We’ll play yoga games, make a craft, and finish off the night with a relaxing bedtime meditation. Wear PJs that have WHITE to really glow (we'll be moving our bodies a lot, so wear leggings if you're coming in a nightgown)!

Exciting classes coming over the next few months! Check out the calendar page for details. Visit Life Full Yoga to reserve your spot (registration required)!

Tween/Teen Glowga for Kids 10+
These playful classes are a great way to introduce kids to the practice of yoga and meditation. We'll explore some traditional yoga poses, play games, listen to music, and explore our artistic sides under the glow of a UV blacklight. Wear WHITE to really glow! Glow-in-the-dark body paint, temporary tattoos, and essential oils will be used, so please inform instructor of any allergies or sensitivities.