Active Free Outdoor Play

Healthy Sensory Development in Kids

Exploring the Outdoors - CT Shoreline

Unstructured Play Programs CT

"Active free play outdoors promotes healthy sensory and motor development in children. The outdoors awakens and rejuvenates the mind and engages all the senses at once."

-Angela Hanscom, Balanced and Barefoot
Like so many parents all over the country, I've been doing a lot of thinking about our summer plans lately. And as my kids are growing into more independent human beings, and I sort through the
myriad of summer opportunities available to them, my instinct, over and over, keeps bringing me back to the very principle Angela Hanscom discusses in Balanced and Barefoot: our kids need more unstructured play, and it needs to be OUTDOORS. 

And with that in mind, I've got a lot churning over here in terms of summer plans -- hoping to share more soon!
